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Healing with Crystals - Evening

Healing with Crystals
Wednesday Evening

February 14th - March 20th
7:00pm - 9:00pm Pacific Time

Prerequisite: Meditation 1 & Meditation 2

In this 6-week workshop series, we will be playing with and exploring Earth’s magnificent, ancient creations.

Some of the topics we will cover include:

  • Physically and energetically cleaning crystals

  • How to pick the “right” crystal

  • Having your seniority while working with crystals and their energy

  • Developing clear communication with crystals and the beings that oversee them

  • Creating mock-ups using crystals and minerals

Click here for more information on our Advanced Classes

This is a 6-week class, meeting online once a week for ~2-2.5 hours.

The Zoom classroom opens at 6:30pm for students to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class.

Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.

Teacher: Rev. Amy Roden

Please note that this class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1 and Meditation 2.

Healing with Crystals - Wed 7pm (Session 2 - Feb to Mar)

Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.

February 14

Meditation 1 - Evening

February 14

Healing 2 - Evening