Hello! The Berkeley Mission Hands on Healing space is being recreated. We will announce upcoming healing clinics soon.
In the meantime, please visit Santa Rosa Mission’s site for their upcoming Hands on Healing Clinics
Hands on Healing Clinics
Online and In-Person, No Contribution Requested
Hands on Healings usually include the gentle laying on of hands while you sit in a chair (when our clinic is held in person) or lay on a massage table (ask if available at appointment). When conducted online, the healer works with your astral body.
During a Hands on Healing, the healer helps you to heal spiritually, emotionally, and physically while you regain vital energy, release anxiety, and let go of stress from daily life or past time trauma. To learn more about our Hands on Healing Program, please click here.
Our Hands on Healing Clinics welcome drop-ins (with registration), and please also note that the number of available healings is limited and are given on a first-come, first-served basis. Donations are welcome but unnecessary, and please click here if you would like to give.
Please click a button below to register for a Hands on Healing Clinic:
Join Online
Join In-Person
Long Hands on Healings
In-person only, by appointment
Long Hands on Healings are offered by appointment for a contribution of $60 after the drop-in clinic ends.
Long Hands on Healings are conducted in-person only, and to schedule please click the button below: