Upcoming Trance Medium Healing Clinics
Trance Medium Healing Clinics are offered by the Divine Healing Center, a Mission of the Church of Divine Man
Trance Medium Healing Clinics
1st & 3rd Fridays from 7:00pm-8:00pm Pacific Time
Our bodies become ill with “dis-ease” from the foreign energy that is inhabiting it. If a foreign energy inhabits a body long enough it disrupts our own energy flow and may manifest into an illness or disease.
Trance Medium Healing Clinics are offered every 1st & 3rd Friday of the month.
All healings are currently online and are ~10-minutes each with a $35 contribution.
Please click the button below to book a healing or visit the DHC’s Healing Clinics page for more information:
Trance Medium Healing Clinics are offered by the Divine Healing Center, a Mission of the Church of Divine Man