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Rev. Michelle

In 2014, Michelle packed her bags and left her home in Central New York for the West Coast. Without a job or a place to live, it was a rough growth period. She couldn't explain why at the time, but now sees her spirit was guiding her towards a new way of understanding the world.

Michelle was trained in science. She wasn't psychic, or even 'intuitive.' The ability to manifest? Coincidence. Sensing other people's emotions? Body language cues. Then, everything changed.

While alone practicing yoga, Michelle sensed a spirit without a body standing behind her. "This isn't happening," she thought. So, like any scientist, she decided to experiment and gave the spirit some directions. "If you're real, come over here and blow out the left candle." Sure enough, she watched the spirit cross the room, opened her eyes, and the candle had been blown out. "Okay, no way. Blow out the rest of them." She opened her eyes again, and all of the candles were extinguished. In that moment, her sense of reality was turned upside down.

Thankfully, she had a psychic friend who validated her experience and pointed her to BPI. "Well, psychic is better than crazy," she thought, "might as well give it a try." She got a remote healing from the Divine Healing Center and was absolutely amazed to listen to the recording of the healing and to notice how closely it matched what she experienced in her physical body while the healing was taking place. It was like the clouds parted and the sun came out behind her head.

She quickly enrolled in Meditation to learn more about how to ground, own her space, and keep out unwanted visitors. Meditation led to Women's Intuition, and as she learned how to fine-tune her mock-ups, coincidences became much more than coincidences. She jumped straight into the clairvoyant program, ready to recreate her life with her psychic tools. Since then, she's manifested a new job, multiple raises, an incredible partner, two adorable kittens, multiple spiritual pilgrimages, and a wonderful place to call home. Rev. Michelle is enthusiastic about her newest creation, We Reverberate, and her musical creations under her stage name, Revreya.

Rev. Michelle became a licensed minister at the Church of Divine Man in 2019 after completing the Ministers in Training and Teachers programs. She has also completed the One to One Program and Women’s Healing Program, and is currently in the Hands on Healing Program and Spiritual Midwife Program. She continues to play in the teachers’ space, where she regularly co-leads monthly Women’s Intuitive Training (WIT) lectures. She is also co-lead of Lady of the Lake, BPI’s annual women’s retreat.

Rev. Michelle is available for:

  • Aura Reading (includes a Healing)

  • Female Creativity / Women's Reading (includes a Healing)

  • Goals Reading (includes a Healing)

Please feel free to email Rev. Michelle at for more information, or to set up a reading outside of her listed availability.