BPI Berkeley Events
Please scroll down to see all events, and please click here to see a calendar view
Spirit of the Child Within - Evening
Spirit of the Child Within
Wednesday Evening
April 9th - May 14th
7:00pm - 9:00pm Pacific Time
Prerequisite: Meditation 1
When was the last time you listened to and validated your inner child?
Learn to release energy that keeps you from having your inner child in present time. Own your childlike vibration of joy and amusement. Clear childhood pain from your ability to communicate and clear the energy from childhood that invalidated your spiritual abilities.
Click here for more information about our Advanced & Other Classes
This is a 6-week class, meeting once a week for ~2-2.5 hours. It is offered online on Zoom.
Please arrive at 6:30pm to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class.
Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.
Teacher: Rev. Amy & Rev. Calvin
Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.
Male/Female Communication 1 - Evening
Male/Female Communication 1
Wednesday Evening
February 19th - March 24th
7:00pm - 9:00pm Pacific Time
Prerequisites: Meditation 1 & Meditation 2
In this special six-week class, we work with our gender energy to discover how it affects communication.
If you find yourself not being heard, experience people reacting to the way you communicate with unintended consequences, or just want to find out how psychics communicate in neutrality, this class is for you!
Learn psychic tools for communication
Play with the energy of communication
Update your communication space and bring it into present time
Learn how your gender energy affects your spiritual hellos
Click here for more information about our Advanced & Other Classes
This is a 6-week class, meeting once a week for ~2-2.5 hours. It is offered online on Zoom.
Please arrive at 6:30pm to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class.
Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.
Teacher: Rev. Shareen & Rev. Calvin
Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.
Male/Female Communication 1 - Evening
Male/Female Communication 1
Wednesday Evening
February 19th - March 24th
7:00pm - 9:00pm Pacific Time
Prerequisites: Meditation 1 & Meditation 2
In this special six-week class, we work with our gender energy to discover how it affects communication.
If you find yourself not being heard, experience people reacting to the way you communicate with unintended consequences, or just want to find out how psychics communicate in neutrality, this class is for you!
Learn psychic tools for communication
Play with the energy of communication
Update your communication space and bring it into present time
Learn how your gender energy affects your spiritual hellos
Click here for more information about our Advanced & Other Classes
This is a 6-week class, meeting once a week for ~2-2.5 hours. It is offered online on Zoom.
Please arrive at 6:30pm to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class.
Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.
Teacher: Rev. Shareen & Rev. Calvin
Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.
Male/Female Communication - Evening
Male/Female Communication
Wednesday Evening
April 3rd - May 8th
7:00pm - 9:00pm Pacific Time
Prerequisite: Meditation 1 & Meditation 2
In this special six-week class, we work with our gender energy to discover how it affects communication.
If you find yourself not being heard, experience people reacting to the way you communicate with unintended consequences, or just want to find out how psychics communicate in neutrality, this class is for you!
Learn psychic tools for communication
Play with the energy of communication
Update your communication space and bring it into present time
Learn how your gender energy affects your spiritual hellos
Click here for more information on our Advanced Classes
This is a 6-week class, meeting once a week for ~2-2.5 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy.
The Zoom classroom opens at 6:30pm for students to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class. Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.
Teacher: Rev. Calvin & Rev. Shareen
Please note that this class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1 & Meditation 2.
Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.
Male/Female Communication - Evening
Male/Female Communication
Wednesday Evening
April 3rd - May 8th
7:00pm - 9:00pm Pacific Time
Prerequisite: Meditation 1 & Meditation 2
In this special six-week class, we work with our gender energy to discover how it affects communication.
If you find yourself not being heard, experience people reacting to the way you communicate with unintended consequences, or just want to find out how psychics communicate in neutrality, this class is for you!
Learn psychic tools for communication
Play with the energy of communication
Update your communication space and bring it into present time
Learn how your gender energy affects your spiritual hellos
Click here for more information on our Advanced Classes
This is a 6-week class, meeting once a week for ~2-2.5 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy.
The Zoom classroom opens at 6:30pm for students to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class. Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.
Teacher: Rev. Calvin & Rev. Shareen
Please note that this class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1 & Meditation 2.
Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.
Male/Female Communication - Morning
Male/Female Communication
Monday Morning
February 12th - March 18th
9:30am - 11:30am Pacific Time
Prerequisite: Meditation 1
In this special six-week class, we work with our gender energy to discover how it affects communication.
If you find yourself not being heard, experience people reacting to the way you communicate with unintended consequences, or just want to find out how psychics communicate in neutrality, this class is for you!
Learn psychic tools for communication
Play with the energy of communication
Update your communication space and bring it into present time
Learn how your gender energy affects your spiritual hellos
Click here for more information
This is a 6-week class, meeting once a week for ~2-2.5 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy.
The Zoom classroom opens at 9:00am for students to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class. You may also attend in-person at our Sacramento Mission at 5260 Elvas Ave. in Sacramento.
Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.
Teacher: Rev. Marion & Rev. Robert
Please note that this class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1.
Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.
Male/Female Communication - Morning
Male/Female Communication
Monday Morning
February 12th - March 18th
9:30am - 11:30am Pacific Time
Prerequisite: Meditation 1 & Meditation 2
In this special six-week class, we work with our gender energy to discover how it affects communication.
If you find yourself not being heard, experience people reacting to the way you communicate with unintended consequences, or just want to find out how psychics communicate in neutrality, this class is for you!
Learn psychic tools for communication
Play with the energy of communication
Update your communication space and bring it into present time
Learn how your gender energy affects your spiritual hellos
Click here for more information
This is a 6-week class, meeting once a week for ~2-2.5 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy.
The Zoom classroom opens at 9:00am for students to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class. You may also attend in-person at our Sacramento Mission at 5260 Elvas Ave. in Sacramento.
Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.
Teacher: Rev. Marion & Rev. Robert
Please note that this class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1 & Meditation 2.
Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.
Nutrition & Body Magic- Afternoon
Nutrition & Body Magic
Saturday Afternoon
January 6th - February 10th
2:30pm - 5:00pm Pacific Time
Prerequisite: Meditation 1
How do you nourish your body and spirit?
In this class, learn to better communicate as a spirit with your body. You will develop a deeper awareness of your body’s nutritional needs and how your body reacts to foreign energy in your space. Start using your clairvoyance to see your truth around food and to heal yourself!
Click here for more information on our Advanced & Other Classes
This is a 6-week class, meeting once a week for 2.5 hours. It is offered both in-person in Berkeley and online on Zoom.
Please arrive at 2:00pm to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class.
Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.
Teacher: Rev. Rani
Please note that this class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1.
Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.
Nutrition & Body Magic- Afternoon
Nutrition & Body Magic
Saturday Afternoon
January 6th - February 10th
2:30pm - 5:00pm Pacific Time
Prerequisite: Meditation 1
How do you nourish your body and spirit?
In this class, learn to better communicate as a spirit with your body. You will develop a deeper awareness of your body’s nutritional needs and how your body reacts to foreign energy in your space. Start using your clairvoyance to see your truth around food and to heal yourself!
Click here for more information on our Advanced & Other Classes
This is a 6-week class, meeting once a week for 2.5 hours. It is offered both in-person in Berkeley and online on Zoom.
Please arrive at 2:00pm to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class.
Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.
Teacher: Rev. Rani
Please note that this class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1.
Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.
The Astral Series
Join us for The Astral Series!
This 6-week series will dive into how you explore and experience the Astral.
We will meet Thursdays from 7/6 to 8/10
Class is from 6:00pm - 9:00pm Pacific and is online only (arrive online at 6:00pm)
The series is open to all and will have an emphasis on reading your own pictures
Meditation 1 is strongly recommended
Contribution for the series is $250 before 6/29 and $300 afterwards
Created and taught by Rev. Michael Sollazzo & Rt. Rev. Elaine Berger
Please click here to register.
Nutrition & Body Magic - Evening
Nutrition & Body Magic
Wednesday Evening
April 5th - May 10th, 2023
7:00pm - 9:30pm Pacific Time
Prerequisite: Meditation 1
How do you nourish your body and spirit?
In this class, learn to better communicate as a spirit with your body. You will develop a deeper awareness of your body’s nutritional needs and how your body reacts to foreign energy in your space. Start using your clairvoyance to see your truth around food and to heal yourself!
This is a 6-week class, meeting once a week for 2.5 hours.
The Zoom classroom opens at 6:30pm Pacific Time for students to check-in and to receive an aura healing before class.
Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.
Teacher: Rev. Amy Roden
Please note that this class is only available to those who have completed Meditation 1.
Registration note: After you register, you will receive two emails. One is your payment receipt and the second is a welcome email with class information and the Zoom classroom link. Please check your spam folder if you do not immediately receive both of these emails.